50 years of the Story brand !

We are thrilled to share with all of you the incredible milestone that we are celebrating as a brand – our 50th anniversary. This significant achievement is a testament to our collective hard work, dedication, and steady commitment to excellence.

Celebrating half a century of delivering top-notch painting and decorating services throughout the UK, it is vital to look back on the journey that has brought us to this point.

Since Robert Story Senior founded R B Story & Son in 1974, the Story brand has evolved, transformed, and also expanded while maintaining a strong focus on providing top-quality craftsmanship.

Our skilled team, along with the trust and loyalty of our clients, have been the cornerstone of our success. We are incredibly proud of the reputation that we have built for reliability, professionalism, and a steadfast commitment to customer satisfaction over the years.

As we embark on the next chapter of our journey, we remain committed to embracing innovation, exceeding the expectations of our clients, and upholding our values.

Our 50th anniversary is not just a celebration of the past, but a testament to our readiness to continue serving our communities for many years to come.

We thank our team, clients, suppliers, family and friends for all of the support and well wishes.

Here’s to the next 50 !!!